Concept, realization and organisation Museum Volkenkunde
Museum Volkenkunde
Exhibition and Graphic Design
Studio Wendy Rommers
Power Trail
Museum Volkenkunde, Studio Wendy Rommers, Platvorm
Museum Volkenkunde
Technical realization
Brandwacht & Meijer, Marc Heinz Lighting Design, TARS Visuele Presentatie, Jan Minnee Schilderwerken, Vincent van den Burgh Mediaproductions
Audiovisual and multimedia productions
Shosho, Infofilm, Museum Volkenkunde
Dutch Mountings, Museum Volkenkunde
Photography and film
- Esther Kokmeijer
- Taco van der Eb
- Fabien Astre
- Frédéric Picard
- Ron Hendriks
- Sound clip from www.ezcosa.com/png/ (2017) Goroka Show 2017
- Great Big Story (2018) What It Takes to be a Hula Champion
- Office of Hawaiian Affairs (2018) What is Mana? - Aaron Salā
- Okeanos, Steven Holloway Grand Master Navigator Ali Haleyur
- Film quote from TEDxAuckland (June 17, 2015)
Mana: The power in knowing who you are | Tame Iti
- Vice Distribution, LLC (2019)
The Last of the Skin Tapping Tradition of Papua New Guinea | Under the Ink
- Kaart van Papua door Eric Olason
- Frontline.org The last generation (2018)
Museum Volkenkunde tried to find out all rights holders of image and sound material. If you think you have a right to non-negotiable image rights, then please contact us.
Sue McDonnell
Auckland Art Gallery
Auckland City Library
British Museum
British Library
Lisa Reihana
Mark Adams
Michel Thieme
Musée du Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac
MARKK - Museum Am Rothenbaum
Museum Fünf Kontinente
Museum of archeology and anthropology
Kathy Jetnil-Kijinert
Taloi Havini
GRASSI Museum für Völkerkunde Starkwhite
Linden Museum
George Nuku
With thanks to
Alison Newell, Caressa Zuijderduijn, Christina Wambrauw, Daniël Siepman, Esther Kokmeijer, Eugenie Hosman, Geertje Sabajo, Gudy van Rossum, Insos Ireeuw, Jane Minnee, Jet Cramer, Lili Berger, Nicholas Thomas, Peter Brunt, Peter Nuttall, Rinus Boekkooi, Sabijn Gorter, Sancia Vermeulen, Seagate Sail- Marcello Segato, Shannon van Essen, Simone Bekker, Tina Baumgartner, Quico Boontje, Wilma Noort, Zoë Boekkooi
The exhibition, publication and events were made possible with the financial support of:
Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds (Pacific Fonds), Zabawas