Since 2012, our Buddhas have adorned a specially designed room. For many loyal visitors of Wereldmuseum Leiden, it's something they have eagerly awaited.
Our Buddhas have their own room. Experience the tranquility that these beautiful statues exude.
Since 2012, our Buddhas have adorned a specially designed room. For many loyal visitors of Wereldmuseum Leiden, it's something they have eagerly awaited.
The old Buddha Hall, which existed between 1937 and 1999, left a lasting impression on many visitors. Writer Arthur Japin enjoyed spending time with the Buddhas as a young boy. Later, he wrote about it in the story 'The Fourth Wall.' World traveler Boudewijn Büch also had a special connection with 'the Walhalla,' as he called the hall. In 2001, he mentioned in a documentary about the museum how he used to smoke marijuana among our Buddhas during his student days.
However, after a major renovation of the museum in 2001, 'the Buddha Hall' disappeared. Of course, the Buddhas could still be admired, but from that moment on, they were part of the much larger Japan Hall. Museum staff were approached by visitors who vividly recalled their memories of this extraordinary hall. That's why, in our new Buddha Hall, we restored the original atmosphere. The five bronze Buddhas form the centerpiece of the hall, flanked by other Buddhist objects. A place of wonder, contemplation, and meditation.
If you want to explore the online collection of the Buddha Hall yourself, click here.