Concept, compilation and realization
Wereldmuseum Leiden
Exhibition design
Carlo Wijnands
Graphic design and DTP
Glamcult Studio
Light design
Marc Heinz
Kloosterboer Decor BV
TARS visuele realisatie
PPS Imaging
Interactieve exhibits
Sosho Studio
Sue McDonnell
Contemporary artists
William Kentridge
the Marina Abramović Archives and LIMA
Sarah van Sonsbeeck, Courtesy Annet Gelink gallery, Amsterdam
Eveline van de Griend
Ruudt Peters
Caspar Berger
Boris van Berkum
Koen Theys, courtesy Keteleer Gallery
Thom Puckey, Courtesy of MPV Gallery
Mirte Engelhard
Lina Iris Viktor; Courtesy of the artist and Pilar Corrias, London
Paul Belien, conservator De Nederlandsche Bank
Roel van der Heijden, wetenschapsjournalist
TU Delft, Geoscience & Engineering
Collectie MAS I Museum aan de Stroom
Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden
Design Museum Den Bosch
Collectie Museum Arnhem
Museum Catharijneconvent, Utrecht
Collectie Stedelijk Museum Breda, bruikleen Stichting Hamers-IJsebrand
Mauritshuis, Den Haag
Koninklijke Verzamelingen, Den Haag
Hare Majesteit Koningin Máxima
Nederlands Openluchtmuseum, Arnhem
SEB Art Collection, Stockholm
Stichting H. Keijser, Amsterdam
EFM/Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica Collection, Amsterdam
Cornelius Rogge (Collectie erfgenamen Rogge)
Collection De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam
Wouter Welling
Bernadette Notten
Rijksmuseum Boerhaave
Allard Pierson, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Mirage 3D
Laboratory for Material Culture Studies, Department of Archaeological Sciences, Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University
Particuliere collectie
Vanhaerents Art Collection Brussel
NOC*NSF Sporterfgoedcollectie
From THE RED BOOK by C.G. Jung, edited by Sonu Shamdasani, translated by Mark Kyburz, John
Peck, and Sonu Shamdasani. Copyright © 2009 by the Foundation of the Works of C. G. Jung Translation
copyright (c) 2009 by Mark Kyburz, John Peck, and Sonu Shamdasani. Used by permission of W. W. Norton &
Company, Inc.
Studio Sebastiao Salgado
Nederlands Openluchtmuseum, Arnhem
EFM/Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica Collection, Amsterdam
Bibliotheque nationale de France
Many thanks to
Cultuurfonds, mede dankzij het Jadefonds
Vriens Archeo flex
Stichting Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen has made every effort to trace the copyright holders of all audio and visuals. If you are a copyright holder and have not been contacted, please get in touch with us.
A large part of our collections was acquired during the colonial period. This was a period characterized by grossly unequal power relations and violence. As a consequence, some of the objects we care for, including objects in this exhibition, may have been obtained through looting or in other dubious and unjust situations. The museum Is actively doing research to clarify the provenance of its collection. For more information on this research and our policy framework ‘The return of Cultural Objects: Principles and Processes', see our website:
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken (Immuniteit van beslaglegging)