Below you find our press media. Highres images are downloadable and free of rights, in case the museum name and context are mentioned.
Wereldmuseum Leiden and the Morssingel
Campaign image Animal Academy
Wereldmuseum Leiden building | Photo Jordi Huisman
Aztecs exhibition, snake Coatl.
Popstar PSY of monsterhit Gangnam Style. Photo: Shutterstock
Veldmaarschalkstaf van Koning Willem II, 1846 - Koninklijke Verzamelingen, Den Haag
First Americans, mural. Photo: Museum Volkenkunde
Nermine Hammam; The Break; 2011; TM-6481-1
Exhibition Australian art
Bluebirds and a boy at the opening of the Animal Academy. Photo: Peter Hilz
Wereldmuseum Leiden building | Photo: Jordi Huisman
Campaign image Aztecs exhibition Museum Volkenkunde.